What is Soul Gem Farming In the Practice Mode you get 15 Soul Gems for every win against.
Solo and Versus Arena - that seems like the best option to me atm, especially solo as it is pretty close to those practice matches in terms of difficulty, but the rewards are higher as you are not only getting the gems, but gold and packs too + legend card for 9 wins = hitting Ahnassi there can save us more than 20% of time. The Elder Scrolls: Legends Battlemage Soul Gem Farming Guide. Running 350 practice matches for 15sg each - and I guess it should be about 400 games as I don't think I'll be able to run it with 100% win rate - doesn't sound too inspiring to me.īuying packs in a bulk and dusting all the duplicates also doesn't seem like a bright idea, I think it will take too much packs to get to 5200sg. Despite there being massive trades in crafting materials, the go-to object of desire is ESO gold. As you would expect from an MMO, Elder Scrolls has its own in-game currency.
So I've decided to try CVH's Aggro Hlaalu deck, made some calculations of what cards I'm missing and how much dust I need to craft. Thankfully, Bethesda Softworks listened to the prayers of its faithful patrons, and so The Elder Scrolls Online was born, bringing the games mythos into the world of MMORPGs.