Handguns receive no such movement penalty to encourage their usageĮnemy AI was modified to fire in semi-automatic at long range, at a maximum of three round burst at medium range and can do full-auto magazine dumps at closer rangesīullet penetration of objects was removed due to inconsistencies with materials and AIįire modes were removed in favor of more defined sandbox roles and proper recoil patternsĪrtefacts now have uniform weaknesses, they make the player lose stamina and develop hunger faster
Low-crouch increases accuracy while moving decreases it. Pistols received uniform accuracy and were balanced by magazine size, caliber and rate of fireĬommon weapons are great all-rounders but exotic weapons fill certain niches better Repair Kits Revamped integration allows for weapon repairingĮXOTIC weapons are classified as such thanks to their real-life rarity, a new source of income for the player is to sell these weaponsĭecreasing weapon condition does not impact accuracy Weapons were balanced with a mixture of realism and sandbox roles
Uniform damage depending on caliber and round fired Weapon accuracy was raised across the board